Hi Abe, thanks for sharing all your ideas, I just had to look up on HN Algolia this post for inspiration as I'm approaching a career shift. I haven't found a better way to connect with you than these comments.

Are there any websites to meet cofounders for a techie but non-fintechie cofounder like myself?

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Hey Francesco -- Finding the right community can certainly be hard. I'd say that just because you haven't worked in fintech doesn't exclude you from doing so. If you're technical, I'm sure you can find traction there.

Other networks that come to mind are:

YC Startup School / Co-Founder matching: https://www.ycombinator.com/cofounder-matching

OnDeck: https://www.beondeck.com/

SouthPark Commons: https://www.southparkcommons.com/

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Thanks Abe, I appreciate your feedback!

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About "Problem Space": why there's no law, law tech or similar?

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That is a good question. I didn't come across anyone building in that space.

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Why is 80% men a 'problem'?

Men are known to be the more risk-seeking sex/gender, no? It seems to make sense given our evolutionary background. If we assume that men have a 20% higher tendency to take career risks then at the tail of a distribution (people creating a startup) we can expect we will find significantly more men.

This is without any need for structural discrimination, just based purely on how distributions occur.

Here's a meta analysis of 150 studies that backs up this idea in different categories.


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More diversity means a more complete spectrum of startup ideas / approaches. Women are a very important group and to see them drastically outnumbered in any context is concerning.

Countless examples of places where cutting women or other groups out of the process led to suboptimal outcomes for those groups for centuries (look at women's health, for example).

I'd love to see higher representation of under-represented / historically oppressed groups.

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